Nominated by President Chris – Telford Centre

Telford After Care Team, “TACT”, has the primary purpose of ensuring there is a clear and safe program of recovery options available to people who use substances, but also provides support to other vulnerable members of the community. The scope of its activities includes:
- Providing a variety of support groups to assist in the rehabilitation of recovering substance users;
- Liaising with mutual aid support groups to improve overall service delivery;
- Raising public awareness of health issues;
- Providing safe accommodation to women at risk;
- Providing support services to individuals experiencing problematic mental health;
- The continuing development of a bespoke training program for West Mercia Police to increase police officers’ understanding of mental health issues and improve their ability to deal with volatile situations;
- Managing trading businesses to enable those service users who are ready to re-enter the workplace to gain practical experience of the workplace environment, whilst as a side benefit generating revenue to help support TACT’s activities;
- Providing volunteer vocational training and management education programmes to enhance the skillsets of service users, volunteers and staff.