Rotary Telford Tree of Light Presentation Evening 2018
Rotary Telford Tree of Light Distributes £42,000 to Local Charities.
The Rotary Telford Tree of Light held its presentation evening, hosted by Rotary Club of Ironbridge President Ian Warburton at the Park House Hotel, Shifnal, on Thursday 28th February. This year the Rotary Telford Tree of Light, which is run by the Rotary Clubs of Ironbridge, Telford Centre, The Wrekin and Wellington celebrated its 23rd campaign. Chair of the Telford Tree of Light organising committee, Rotarian Max Clowes, said, “We are delighted to announce that this evening the Telford Tree of Light will distribute £42,000 to local charities.”
Max went on to welcome Reverend Paul Firmin, formally of Shrewsbury Abbey, who brought the concept of a Tree of Light to Shropshire in the 1990s. He recalled how he found out about Trees of Light in South Africa when a colleague handed him a small piece of paper on which a remembered name was written. Trees of Light are now found not just across Shropshire but across the UK. Paul said, “One small slip of paper, One giant Tree for mankind.”
Incoming Chair of the Trustees of the Rotary Clubs of Telford & Wrekin Trust Fund, Rotarian Peter Seaward, under whose auspices the Tree of Light operates said, “Once again the Tree has raised a huge amount for charity.” He continued, “The whole operation can only function with the voluntary efforts of Rotarians from each of the four clubs. The full cost of the appeal is met by the business community, other organisations and the Rotary Clubs themselves. This means that the entire amount donated by the public is distributed to the good causes.” The names of those remembered are displayed around the Tree of Light in Telford Shopping Centre, in Wellington Dawley, Madeley, Ironbridge and Oakengates. The names are also published in the Telford Journal and on the Tree of Light website.
Since 2001 the Severn Hospice has received half of the funds donated with the remainder donated to charities that serve the people of Telford. Representatives of the charities nominated by the four Rotary Clubs received their donations and thanked the Tree of Light for their support. President Ian Warburton of the Ironbridge Club gave a cheque for £2625 to Edward Dugdale of Tickwood Care Farm; President Alan Baguley of the Rotary Club of Telford Centre presented a cheque for £2625 to Laura Thorogood of Telford & Wrekin Young Carers Respite: President Anne De Vere of the Rotary Club of the Wrekin gave a donation of £2625 to Kevin Wynn of Club 2000 and Rotary Wellington President Peter Williams presented £2625 to Andrew Foster and Vicki Stones of Wellington Theatre Company Youth Project.
25% of the funds raised are now presented to a second charity agreed by all the four Rotary Clubs. Mac Clowes together with the four Presidents presented a cheque for £10,500 to Naomi Atkin of the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund.
Finally Chairman of the Tree of Light Committee, Max Clowes, presented £21,000 to Norma Ross of Severn Hospice. In conclusion Max said, “The success of the Rotary Telford Tree of Light has only been made possible thanks to the wonderful generosity of the people of Telford who donate to The Tree of Light to remember their loved ones at Christmas time. The very successful 2018 campaign is now over. Our team is already busy preparing for the 24th year of the Rotary Telford Tree of Light.”
The Telford Tree of Light Trustees and Committee thank you for your kind donations to the charities nominated for 2018. There will be in excess of £40,000 for us to distrubute …..
Although the 2018 Appeal is now closed, we will be working hard to prepare for 2019.
Every Day The Tree is Attended By Rotarians
It is now over a week since the Rotary Telford Tree of Light was switched on in Dean Square at the Telford Shopping Centre.
Since then a table in front of the Tree has been attended daily by members of the Rotary Clubs of Ironbridge, Telford Centre, The Wrekin & Wellington to deal with enquiries, to help people find a particular name and to talk about the supported charities.
Meanwhile in the background the Tree of Light team have been working hard to ensure that the names of those remembered are placed around the Tree as soon as possible. So far over 4500 people have been remembered around the Tree. These names also appear at the offices of Tranter Lowe in Oakengates, Carol’s Cafe on Wellington Market, Truffles in Ironbridge, Jubilee House in Madeley and at the Dawley Christian Centre. The names are also published in the Telford Journal and on the Tree of Light website.
In addition to the opportunity to commemorate the names of loved ones, applicants are requested to donate a minimum of £5 per name for local charities. By Friday the amount raised had reached £27500 excluding Gift Aid.
In addition to the opportunity to commemorate the names of loved ones, applicants are requested to donate a minimum of £5 per name for local charities. By Friday the amount raised had reached £27500 excluding Gift Aid.
Top left: Rtn. Paul Rhodes at the Tree of Light. Bottom left: Searching for names. Right: Rtn. Dan Scollard-Kerr updates the lists of names.
The Switch-on
A crowded Mall at Telford Town Centre filled by the sounds of the Salvation Army Band heralded the arrival of Jo Desmond of Free Radio who was to switch-on the 2017 Telford Tree of Light. Chairman of the organising committee, Max Clowes, welcomed representatives of the charities supported by this year’s Tree, the Tree’s sponsors, the Presidents of the four organising Rotary Clubs and many of those whose families’ names appear around the Tree. Max said, “The Telford Tree of Light would not be possible without the support of the four Rotary Clubs of Telford and the many corporate sponsors who contribute so that every penny donated in memory of a loved one can be passed to the nominated charities. This together with the wonderful generosity of the people of Telford helps to make the Tree a great success.”
Max then welcomed and introduced Jo Jesmond, before asking her to Switch-on this year’s Tree. With the warmth of her smile and personality filling the area around the Tree she spoke of the importance of remembering loved ones, especially at Christmas time. Then following a traditional count-down she switched on the 2017 Telford Tree of Light.
In addition In addition to the opportunity to commemorate the names of loved ones, applicants are requested to donate a minimum of £5 per name to local charities. This year Severn Hospice will be supported with half of the amount donated by the public and the Lingen Davis Cancer Care Trust supported with 25% of the funds donated. The remaining 25% will be shared between Telford Young Carers:Respite – nominated by the Rotary Club of Telford Centre: Tickwood Care Farm – nominated by the Rotary Club of Ironbridge; Club 2000 – nominated by the Rotary Club of The Wrekin and Wellington Theatre Company: Youth Section – nominated by the Rotary Club of Wellington.
Chair of the Trustees of the Rotary Clubs of Telford & Wrekin Trust Fund, Rotarian Paul Booth, under whose auspices the Tree of Light operates said, “Last year was an exceptional year. The Rotary Telford Tree of Light was presented with The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service and it raised a record amount for charity.” He continued, “So far this year the Rotary Telford Tree of Light remembers over 3000 loved ones and has raised over £23,000. Thank you Telford!”
Week Two
This year the Rotary Telford Tree of Light, which is run by the Rotary Clubs of Ironbridge, Telford Centre, The Wrekin and Wellington, begins its 23rd campaign.
The 2018 Tree of Light will be switched on at 16.30 on Thursday 15th November at Dean Square in the Telford Shopping Centre. This year the lights will be switched on by Jo Jesmond, the Free Radio presenter. The Salvation Army Band will play traditional Christmas Carols from 16.00.
Telford Rotarians have been busy for the past two weeks opening and processing dedications sent in by the Telford Community to remember their loved ones at Christmastime. So far over 1,300 envelopes have been opened with donations made amounting to over £19,000 and with over 2,500 individuals remembered. All dedications that were received before 16.00 on 8th November will be in place around the Tree when the lights are switched on.
The names of those remembered, as well as being around the Tree of Light in Telford Shopping Centre, are displayed at Tranter Lowe in Oakengates, Carol’s Cafe on Wellington Market, Truffles in Ironbridge, Jubilee House in Madeley and at the Dawley Christian Centre. The names are also published in the Telford Journal and on the Tree of Light website.
This year Severn Hospice will be supported with half of the amount donated by the public and the Lingen Davis Cancer Care Trust supported with 25% of the funds donated. The remaining 25% will be shared between Telford Young Carers:Respite – nominated by the Rotary Club of Telford Centre: Tickwood Care Farm – nominated by the Rotary Club of Ironbridge; Club 2000 – nominated by the Rotary Club of The Wrekin and Wellington Theatre Company: Youth Section – nominated by the Rotary Club of Wellington.
The Telford Tree of Light would not be possible without the support of the many corporate sponsors who contribute towards the running costs of the Tree so that every penny donated in memory of a loved one can be passed to the nominated charities. This together with the wonderful generosity of the people of Telford helps to make the Tree a great success. The photograph on the left shows sponsors Scott Walker & Jim Udale with the photograph on the right showing Chair of the Tree of Light Trustees along with sponsor Neil Phillips – they are holding the Queen’s award for Voluntary Service which was presented to the Rotary telford tree of Light last year.
The First Week
The figures for the first week’s processing of the 2018 campaign show that we have received 767 forms representing in the region of 1500 people remembered.
For those who like comparisons, here are the first week’s figures for recent years. 743 forms were received in the first week of the 2017 campaign while 720 forms were received in 2016.
Thanks to everyone for their help in this first week.
The photographs show Rotarians at work processing the incoming forms and donations.
Application Forms In The Post
On 24th October two Rotarians, John and Paul, franked just under 3000 envelopes at Lanyon Bowdlers Solicitors in Telford who actively support the Tree of Light Campaign each year. They were posted on the same day and by now will be ready for delivery to homes across Telford and the UK.
At the same time the application forms are appearing in outlets in many places across the district. The photographs below show forms being unpacked at the Telford Town Centre Information Point, with forms also ready at Morgan’s Country Butcher and Smokery at Waters Upton and at Hair Art in Wellington.
Rotary Telford Tree of Light 2018 Campaign Gets Underway.
Rotarians from the Rotary Club of Wellington met on Friday 12th October to help prepare for the coming Rotary Telford Tree of Light Campaign. Members packed over 1000 envelopes which are to be posted to the generous people who remembered their loved ones last year.
The Rotary Telford Tree of Light Campaign, which is run by the Rotary
Clubs of Ironbridge, Telford Centre, The Wrekin and Wellington
celebrated its 22nd birthday in 2017 with a record amount raised for
local charities. Chair of the Telford Tree of Light organising
committee, Rotarian Max Clowes, said, “We were delighted that the
Telford Tree of Light was able to distribute £43,040 to local
charities.” The full cost of the appeal is covered by the Rotary Clubs,
the business community and other organisations so that the entire amount
given by the public will be distributed to the chosen good causes.
The names of those remembered are displayed around the Tree of Light in
Telford Shopping Centre, in Wellington Dawley, Madeley, Ironbridge and
Oakengates . The names are also published in the Telford Journal and on
the Tree of Light website. Max continued, “The success of the Rotary
Telford Tree of Light has only been made possible thanks to the
wonderful generosity of the people of Telford who donate to The Tree of
Light to remember their loved ones at Christmas time.”
For newcomers to the area a team of volunteers was in Telford Town on Saturday 13th October to explain how donating to the Tree can help remember loved ones at Christmas while supporting this year’s local charities.
The Rotary Clubs of Ironbridge, Telford Centre, The Wrekin and Wellington are pleased to announce that the switch on for 2018 will take place in Dean Street, Telford Shopping Centre at 4.30pm on 15th November 2018. The Salvation Army band will play Christmas Carols from 4pm and the Tree will be switched on by Free Radio presenter Jo Jesmond.
New Campaign 2018
The Rotary Clubs of Ironbridge, Telford Centre, The Wrekin, and Wellington are pleased to announce that the switch on for 2018 will take place in Dean Street Telford Shopping Centre at 4.30pm om 15th November. The Salvation Army band will play carols from 4pm. Application forms will be posted to the generous people who remembered their loved ones last year on or around 24th October and should be returned by 9th November to ensure the names of their loved ones are on the display when the lights are switched on.
For newcomers to the area a team of volunteers will be in Telford Town on Saturday 13th October to explain how you can remember your loved ones at Christmas and help this years local charities. This will give you the chance to see our new roller banner kindly supplied by PCP of Halesfield.
New or returning sponsors will be able to find application forms in the Telford Journal, and in locations around the area including Customer Services in the shopping centre or by applying online. Please see the charities supported page for more information about the distribution of the donations received for this year.