2017 Campaign Presentations
Blood Bike Handover

“All Blood Bikes have a name – this new machine is called ‘Spirit of Rotary’”. With these words Chair of the Rotary Clubs of Telford Trust Fund, Paul Booth unveiled the new BMW motorbike at Telford Town Centre on Saturday 5th May. Rotarian Paul continued, “ I was privileged to unveil the new Blood Bike, ‘Spirit of Rotary’, on its handover. Of all the many Rotary projects I have been involved in over the last 25 years, none has given me as much satisfaction. Blood Bikes do an incredible job for the whole community and the Telford Tree of Light is so pleased to have had the opportunity to fund this new bike.”

The motorbike was funded with 25% of the donations made to the 2017 Rotary Telford Tree of Light. Handing over the keys to Lynne Stone of Shropshire, Staffordshire and Cheshire Blood Bikes [SSBB], Chair of the Tree of Light organising committee Max Clowes said, “This donation to SSBB by the Rotary Telford Tree of Light has only been made possible thanks to the wonderful generosity of the people of Telford who donate to The Tree of Light to remember their loved ones at Christmas time.”
Lynne Stone expressed her thanks to the Tree of Light saying, “The Rotary Telford Tree of Light and the people of Telford have given us the means of transporting a variety of urgent medical items to our local NHS hospitals.

It has been a pleasure to work with the four Rotary Clubs towards our joint goal – ‘The Spirit of Rotary’”. 24hours later Lynne wrote, “Our thanks to you all for our new bike – she is lovely and already today she has clocked up over 60 miles, delivering samples to Royal Hospital Stoke.”
The Rotary Telford Tree of Light, which is run by the Rotary Clubs of Ironbridge, Telford Centre, The Wrekin and Wellington raised a record £43,040 for local charities during its 2017 campaign.
The event was attended by members of SSBB, The Town Centre management who allocate space for the Tree of Light at Christmas time, members of the public and Rotarians.

Presentation Evening
The Rotary Telford Tree of Light held its presentation evening, hosted by Rotary Club of Telford Centre President Sonia Roberts at the Buckatree Hall Hotel on Tuesday 27th March. This year the Rotary Telford Tree of Light, which is run by the Rotary Clubs of Ironbridge, Telford Centre, The Wrekin and Wellington celebrated its 22nd campaign. Chair of the Telford Tree of Light organising committee, Rotarian Max Clowes, said, “We are delighted to announce that this evening the Telford Tree of Light will distribute £43,040 to local charities.”

Chair of the Trustees of the Rotary Clubs of Telford & Wrekin Trust Fund, Rotarian Paul Booth, under whose auspices the Tree of Light operates said, “This has been an exceptional year in that the Rotary Telford Tree of Light was presented with The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service and has once again raised a record amount for charity.” He continued, “The whole operation can only function with the voluntary efforts of Rotarians from each of the four clubs. The full cost of the appeal is met by the business community, other organisations and the Rotary Clubs themselves. This means that the entire amount donated by the public is distributed to the good causes.”

The names of those remembered are displayed around the Tree of Light in Telford Shopping Centre, in Wellington Dawley, Madeley, Ironbridge and Oakengates . The names are also published in the Telford Journal and on the Tree of Light website. Since 2001 the Severn Hospice has received half of the funds donated with the remainder donated to charities that serve the people of Telford.

Representatives of the charities nominated by the four Rotary Clubs received their donations and thanked the Tree of Light for their support. President Philip Browning of the Ironbridge Club gave a cheque for £2690 to Sarah Chambers of Admiral Nurses, Dementia UK [Telford & Wrekin]; President Sonia Roberts of the Rotary Club of Telford Centre presented a cheque for £2690 to Ruby Hartshorn of Shropshire Disability Network and President Paul Booth, representing both the Rotary Clubs of the Wrekin and Wellington, gave £5380 to Bryan Benham of Wellington Cottage Care.

25% of the funds raised are now presented to a second charity agreed by all the four Rotary Clubs. President Brian Richards of the Rotary Club of Wellington presented a cheque for £10,760 to Lynne Stone of Shropshire, Staffordshire and Cheshire Blood Bikes who told the audience that the funds would be used to purchase a new bike which would be called ‘Spirit of Rotary’.

Finally Chairman of the Tree of Light Committee, Max Clowes, presented £21,520 to Paul Cronin of Severn Hospice.
In conclusion Max said, “This record year for the Rotary Telford Tree of Light has only been made possible thanks to the wonderful generosity of the people of Telford who donate to The Tree of Light to remember their loved ones at Christmas time. The very successful 2017 campaign is now over. Our team is already busy preparing for the 23rd year of the Rotary Telford Tree of Light.”
Thank you for your support the appeal for 2017 is now closed.
The Rotary Telford Tree of Light 2017 Campaign is Underway.

On Wednesday 25th October nearly 2500 envelopes containing details of this year’s campaign were franked at Lanyon Bowdlers Solicitors in Telford and delivered to Wellington Royal Mail for posting to supporters of the Telford Tree of Light. Further envelopes with details and forms have been taken to Telford Shopping Centre and to other places throughout the Telford area where they can be picked up by anyone wishing to remember a loved one, especially during Christmastime.
The Tree of Light gives people the opportunity to commemorate the names of their loved ones. These names are then displayed around a Tree in the Telford Shopping Centre and in other locations around the borough of Telford & Wrekin. They are also printed in the local paper, the Telford Journal, and on the Tree of Light website. Over 5,000 names are now regularly remembered each year.

In addition to the opportunity to commemorate the names of loved ones, applicants are requested to donate a minimum of £5 per name to local charities. Fifty percent of the funds raised are given to the Severn Hospice with the remaining fifty percent shared between local charities nominated annually by each of the four Rotary clubs.
This year, as well as the Severn Hospice, the Telford Tree of Light is supporting Shropshire, Staffordshire & Cheshire Blood Bikes, Wellington Cottage Care, Shropshire Disability Network and Dementia UK [Admiral Nurses Telford & Wrekin].

On Tuesday 31st October a Tree of Light working party, known colloquially as the ‘Blue Peter Group’ met for the first time in this campaign to open returned envelopes and to process names and donations received from our supporters. Chair of the Telford Tree of Light organising committee, Rotarian Max Clowes. said, “The first response has been amazing. Today we have received over 200 forms that remember almost 500 loved ones with over £3000 donated to this year’s Telford Tree of Light. We are indebted to all our supporters who so dearly wish to commemorate their loved ones at Christmas time.”
Charities for 2017
The Trustees are pleased to announce the charities to be supported this year are
Severn Hospice (half of the amount donated)

For nearly 30 years Severn Hospice has been the region’s leading provider of specialist palliative and end of life care. As one of the busiest hospices in the UK our mission is to provide the best care and a better life for people living with an incurable illness, and those important to them. The loving care we provide goes beyond the four walls of our buildings as we care for more patients than ever before in the comfort of their own home. All of the care we provide at Severn Hospice is free of charge, but not without cost. It is thanks to the unwavering support of the people of Shropshire and Mid Wales that our caring teams are able to be there when it matters most for those who need our help. We are immensely proud and grateful for the long relationship between our hospice and the Rotary Clubs in the area. Their commitment and dedication to raising funds for charities like our hospice is truly admirable.
Shropshire, Staffordshire, Cheshire Blood Bikes (half of the remainder of the amount donated)

It is hoped that this amount will enable the volunteers who deliver much needed blood and organs for transplant between hospitals to be able to purchase and equipe a new motor cycle.
Wellington Cottage Care will receive an eighth of the amount donated

Wellington Cottage Care are nominated by the Presidents of The Rotary clubs of THe Wrekin and Wellington together.
Shropshire Disability Network are to receive one sixteenth of the amount donated.

Shropshire Disability Network are nominated by the Rotary Club of Telford Centre
Dementia UK (Admiral Nurses /Telford & Wrekin) will receive the final sixteenth

Dementia UK (Admiral Nurses /Telford & Wrekin) have been nominated by the Rotary Club of Ironbridge
Dementia UK provides specialist dementia support for families through our Admiral Nurse service. When things get challenging or difficult for people with dementia and their families, Admiral Nurses work alongside them, giving the one-to-one support, expert guidance and practical solutions people need. The unique dementia expertise and experience an Admiral Nurse brings is a lifeline–it helps everyone in the family to live more positively with dementia in the present, and to face the challenges of tomorrow with more confidence and less fear.
Tree of Light 2017 Forms Available Across Telford & Banners Printed

Telford Tree of Light application forms are beginning to appear at outlets throughout the Borough. They are now available at Telford Shopping Centre Customer Services, Severn Hospice shops, Wellington Civic Centre, Dawley Christian Centre, Jubilee House Madeley, Truffles in Ironbridge, Oakengates Leisure Centre and in many other shops, businesses and community venues throughout Telford. Forms are even available on the very edge of Telford, the photograph shows the Telford Tree of Light application forms that can be collected from Oakgate Nursery & Garden Centre in Ellerdine.
Monday 6th November has been banner preparation and printing day at Telford Reprographics – one of the Telford Tree of Light Sponsors. Peter Llewellyn of Telford Reprographics said, ‘It is a privilege to be involved with such successful community project.’

Banners that are to be displayed around the Tree at the Telford Shopping Centre, at Tranter Lowe in Oakengates, Carol’s Cafe on Wellington Market, Truffles in Ironbridge and at the Dawley Christian Centre were being printed this morning. The photograph shows Rhi Moore and Peter Llewellyn of Telford Reprographics with a Telford Tree of Light Poster as it emerges from the printer.
At the end of a very successful first week of the Rotary Telford Tree of Light 2017 Campaign over 650 applications were received with £9672 donated to this year’s charities, Severn Hospice, Shropshire, Staffordshire & Cheshire Blood Bikes, Wellington Cottage Care, Dementia UK [Admiral Nurses Telford & Wrekin] & Shropshire Disability Network.
This year the Telford Tree of Light will be switched on at the Telford Shopping Centre on Thursday 16th November at 16.30. The Switch-0n will be performed by Dicky Dodd, the Signal 107 Radio presenter.
Where You Can Find Application Forms

Application Forms are available from many sites across Telford. The photographs on the left show. Roxie Jones with application forms in Carol’s Cafe on Wellington Market. The lists of those remembered on this year’s Tree will soon be appearing in Carol’s Cafe.
The photograph on the right was taken at the Customer Service desk in the Telford Shopping Centre. Customer Services are tremendously helpful not only do they distribute the application forms for the Rotary Telford tree of Light but also are a handing in point for completed forms.
The Lights are Switched On

A crowded Mall at Telford Town Centre filled by the sounds of the Salvation Army Band heralded the arrival of Dicky Dodds of Signal Radio 107 who was to switch-on the 2017 Telford Tree of Light. Chairman of the organising committee, Max Clowes, welcomed representatives of the charities supported by this year’s Tree, the Tree’s sponsors, Rotary District 1210 Governor, Carol Reilly, the Presidents of the four organising Rotary Clubs and many of those whose families’ names appear around the Tree. Max said, “The Telford Tree of Light would not be possible without the support of the four Rotary Clubs of Telford and the many corporate sponsors who contribute so that every penny donated in memory of a loved one can be passed to the nominated charities. This together with the wonderful generosity of the people of Telford helps to make the Tree a great success.”

Max then welcomed and introduced Dicky Dodds, before asking him to Switch-on this year’s Tree. With the warmth of his smile and personality filling the area around the Tree he spoke from personal experience of the importance of remembering loved ones, especially at Christmas time. Dicky encouraged everyone to use social media to spread the word and reminded everyone to use Gift Aid if a taxpayer. Then following a traditional count-down he switched on the 2017 Telford Tree of Light.

Rotarians Help at the Tree

The Rotary Telford Tree of Light, now in the 4th week of the 2017 campaign, has so far remembered over 3500 loved ones and raised over £27,500 for local charities. Chair of the organising committee Max Clowes said, “I am very pleased with progress so far which is ahead of last year’s record figures.”
One of the main reasons for such a good response from the people of Telford is that this year members of the four Rotary Clubs, Ironbridge, Telford Centre, The Wrekin & Wellington, are attending the Tree in the Telford shopping Centre from 10.00 until 16.00 on every day of the week. They are there to help people find out about the Tree and the charities that are being supported this year – Severn Hospice, Shropshire, Staffordshire & Cheshire Blood Bikes, Wellington Cottage Care, Dementia UK [Admiral Nurses Telford & Wrekin] & Shropshire Disability Network. In addition Rotarians are there to help donors with application forms and to direct supporters to where the names of loved ones are printed.
Organiser of the ‘Attending the Tree’ programme, Rotarian Venn Davies, said, “Members have found it a truly humbling, but rewarding experience to help and support those who visit the Tree to see the names of the loved ones they have remembered this Christmas time”.
As well as by the Tree at Telford Shopping Centre the names of loved ones remembered are displayed either as lists or in books of remembrance, at Tranter Lowe in Oakengates, Carol’s Cafe in Wellington Market, Truffles in Ironbridge, Jubilee House in Madeley and at the Dawley Christian Centre.
When is the Final Date for Dedications
“Is it too late to make a dedication?” is a frequently asked question. There is still plenty of time for names to be remembered. Dedications are guaranteed to appear around the Tree in time for Christmas so long as they are received no later than 16th December.
Telford Tree of Light application forms are available at outlets throughout the Borough. Find them at Telford Shopping Centre Customer Services, Severn Hospice shops, Wellington Civic Centre, Dawley Christian Centre, Jubilee House Madeley, Truffles in Ironbridge, Oakengates Leisure Centre and in many other shops, businesses and community venues throughout Telford. Forms are even available on the very edge of Telford, the photograph shows the Telford Tree of Light application forms that can be collected from Oakgate Nursery & Garden Centre in Ellerdine.

Photographs from the left show places where application forms are available: Harwood’s Estate Agents; Oakengates Leisure Centre; John Palfrey at hair Boutique, Ketley.
Number of Names Remembered Exceeds 5000

As we reach the beginning of December and with Christmas only three weeks away the Rotary Telford Tree of Light has already remembered over 5,000 loved ones whose names appear around the tree at the Telford Shopping Centre.
The Tree of Light gives members of our community the opportunity to commemorate the names of their loved ones at Christmas. In addition to the opportunity to commemorate the names of loved ones, applicants are requested to donate a minimum of £5 per name to local charities.

This year, as well as the Severn Hospice, the Telford Tree of Light is supporting Shropshire, Staffordshire & Cheshire Blood Bikes, Wellington Cottage Care, Shropshire Disability Network and Dementia UK [Admiral Nurses Telford & Wrekin].
The Rotary Telford Tree of Light receives exceptional help and support from its corporate sponsors without whom the success of the Tree would not be possible. Their support enables the charity to pass on to worthy causes all the contributions received from the public.
So far this year the Tree of Light has raised more than £31,000 for our nominated charities. This will be augmented by a Gift Aid claim. There is still plenty of time for names of loved ones to be remembered.
Community Support for the Telford Tree of Light.
Chair of the organising committee, Max Clowes, expressed his thanks for all the support given by the local community in making the 2017 Rotary Telford Tree of Light Campaign such a resounding success. Max visited the places where the Tree has been supported in many ways to express his thanks for their help with the campaign.

From left: Trustee Dan Scollard-Kerr with Carol from Carol’s Cafe, Wellington Market; Max with Julie of Jubilee House, Madeley; DB Roberts in Wellington

From left: Book of Names at Jubilee House, Madeley; Max with Julie of Shopmobility, Telford Town Centre; Max by the Tranter Lowe window in Oakengates.

From left: Booke of Remembrance at Truffles cafe in Ironbridge; Max at Lanyon Bowdler; Rotarians manning the Tree at the end of the campaign.

From left: Max with Julie of Tranter Lowe; Book of Remembrance at Dawley Christian Centre; Max with Dan of Telford Reprographics.
2017 Presentation Evening
The Rotary Telford Tree of Light held its presentation evening, hosted by Rotary Club of Telford Centre President Sonia Roberts at the Buckatree Hall Hotel on Tuesday 27th March. This year the Rotary Telford Tree of Light, which is run by the Rotary Clubs of Ironbridge, Telford Centre, The Wrekin and Wellington celebrated its 22nd campaign. Chair of the Telford Tree of Light organising committee, Rotarian Max Clowes, said, “We are delighted to announce that this evening the Telford Tree of Light will distribute £43,040 to local charities.”

Chair of the Trustees of the Rotary Clubs of Telford & Wrekin Trust Fund, Rotarian Paul Booth, under whose auspices the Tree of Light operates said, “This has been an exceptional year in that the Rotary Telford Tree of Light was presented with The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service and has once again raised a record amount for charity.” He continued, “The whole operation can only function with the voluntary efforts of Rotarians from each of the four clubs. The full cost of the appeal is met by the business community, other organisations and the Rotary Clubs themselves. This means that the entire amount donated by the public is distributed to the good causes.”

The names of those remembered are displayed around the Tree of Light in Telford Shopping Centre, in Wellington Dawley, Madeley, Ironbridge and Oakengates . The names are also published in the Telford Journal and on the Tree of Light website. Since 2001 the Severn Hospice has received half of the funds donated with the remainder donated to charities that serve the people of Telford.

Representatives of the charities nominated by the four Rotary Clubs received their donations and thanked the Tree of Light for their support. President Philip Browning of the Ironbridge Club gave a cheque for £2690 to Sarah Chambers of Admiral Nurses, Dementia UK [Telford & Wrekin]; President Sonia Roberts of the Rotary Club of Telford Centre presented a cheque for £2690 to Ruby Hartshorn of Shropshire Disability Network and President Paul Booth, representing both the Rotary Clubs of the Wrekin and Wellington, gave £5380 to Bryan Benham of Wellington Cottage Care.

25% of the funds raised are now presented to a second charity agreed by all the four Rotary Clubs. President Brian Richards of the Rotary Club of Wellington presented a cheque for £10,760 to Lynne Stone of Shropshire, Staffordshire and Cheshire Blood Bikes who told the audience that the funds would be used to purchase a new bike which would be called ‘Spirit of Rotary’.

Finally Chairman of the Tree of Light Committee, Max Clowes, presented £21,520 to Paul Cronin of Severn Hospice.
In conclusion Max said, “This record year for the Rotary Telford Tree of Light has only been made possible thanks to the wonderful generosity of the people of Telford who donate to The Tree of Light to remember their loved ones at Christmas time. The very successful 2017 campaign is now over. Our team is already busy preparing for the 23rd year of the Rotary Telford Tree of Light.”
2017 Campaign Presentation – Blood Bike Handover

“All Blood Bikes have a name – this new machine is called ‘Spirit of Rotary’”. With these words Chair of the Rotary Clubs of Telford Trust Fund, Paul Booth unveiled the new BMW motorbike at Telford Town Centre on Saturday 5th May. Rotarian Paul continued, “ I was privileged to unveil the new Blood Bike, ‘Spirit of Rotary’, on its handover. Of all the many Rotary projects I have been involved in over the last 25 years, none has given me as much satisfaction. Blood Bikes do an incredible job for the whole community and the Telford Tree of Light is so pleased to have had the opportunity to fund this new bike.”

The motorbike was funded with 25% of the donations made to the 2017 Rotary Telford Tree of Light. Handing over the keys to Lynne Stone of Shropshire, Staffordshire and Cheshire Blood Bikes [SSBB], Chair of the Tree of Light organising committee Max Clowes said, “This donation to SSBB by the Rotary Telford Tree of Light has only been made possible thanks to the wonderful generosity of the people of Telford who donate to The Tree of Light to remember their loved ones at Christmas time.”
Lynne Stone expressed her thanks to the Tree of Light saying, “The Rotary Telford Tree of Light and the people of Telford have given us the means of transporting a variety of urgent medical items to our local NHS hospitals.

It has been a pleasure to work with the four Rotary Clubs towards our joint goal – ‘The Spirit of Rotary’”. 24hours later Lynne wrote, “Our thanks to you all for our new bike – she is lovely and already today she has clocked up over 60 miles, delivering samples to Royal Hospital Stoke.”
The Rotary Telford Tree of Light, which is run by the Rotary Clubs of Ironbridge, Telford Centre, The Wrekin and Wellington raised a record £43,040 for local charities during its 2017 campaign.
The event was attended by members of SSBB, The Town Centre management who allocate space for the Tree of Light at Christmas time, members of the public and Rotarians.

Thank you for your support the appeal for 2017 is now closed.
The final figures can only be estimates at this stage but the committee expects that we will be able to distribute a little more than last year.
Thank you or your support.